Some event photography jobs are small, but for a mighty cause. The Fairfield Inn hired me on the basis of needing an Event Photographer to celebrate the end of training and the grand opening of their new hotel in South Medford. The photos were simply for memorabilia to commemorate the very first crew to open this beautiful Marriot Family Hotel. I participated in a training day to just capture the staff doing their thing and then the evening before opening to get some group shots and celebratory fun.

Apparently, the opening follows four long years of construction and holds the latest technology in hotels with Green Initiatives and eco-friendly features such as high-efficiency lighting in guest rooms and public spaces, smart irrigation practices, Green Housekeeping and much more I’m sure I missed when they were talking about it as a group. This is one of the most efficiently newer hotels to be built in our area.

I do know how to photograph parties and events to bring out the fun and smiles! This fun crew has been working so hard to get this hotel whipped into shape for opening day. The entire hotel was booked out full for their first opening day. The housekeeping staff said it would be fun to clean rooms that got used instead of re-cleaning brand new, unused rooms. I thought that was a pretty funny thought! 🤣

Congratulations Fairfield Inn crew!! I hope your kick-off day went off without too many hiccups לחץ למידע נוסף!!

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