This has been the 4th year I’ve worked photography at the Central Point Chamber Small Business Awards Banquet event, Denim & Diamonds. Previous Director, Taneea Browning, should truly be known as the legacy who brought the city of Central Point to life!

A leader takes people where they want to go. A great leader takes people where they don’t want to go, but ought to be.

~ Rosalynn Carter

She’s worked hard the past four years to bring fun personalities, modern idea’s and community to this little town. I recall the day she twisted my arm to help her with the photography of this delightful event. This one job turned in to more great photography collaborations with the chamber, the city of Central Point and countless relationships with the business that make our city rock.

I’ve got to hand it to them, the Chamber Board Members are definitely the life of the party! Everything they do is at maximum effort!

Taneea announced at this event that she will be “passing the torch” over to Steph Hendrickson. Steph has been assisting Taneea since the fall of 2018 and while it was not their original intentions, it worked out like it was fate. Taneea is moving on to do great things at Crater Works and expand her passion project with, D.I.R.T. Park Learning Center.

The event itself is Stellar! If you haven’t been, you should go. There’s always a great band, Ah-mazing steak and mouth-watering desserts. Not to mention the people who attend are a total riot.

The silent and live auction items are also pretty rad. I always have a gift card in there, this year mine didn’t do too shabby.

Check out the gallery to see all the fun and feel free to download and share (button above).

My “Major Award” | Best of Small Business Award 2018

Taneea had mentioned casually that she may “call attention to me” — ahem! understatement! I figured I would just have a small moment to smile and wave. Well apparently she meant I was winning an award! I didn’t even know this was possible. haha!

Award for Small Business of the Year 2019
Thank you to all you lovelies who voted for me!

We value and celebrate all of our Central Point Chamber member businesses, and on occasion we have a business that goes above and beyond the normal call of membership and demonstrates they get what it means to be a chamber member partner

This years winner of the small business of the year will come as no surprise as you have seen her at all of our events capturing the essence of our Chamber and community. She articulates through images our small town feel, the personal connections and sincere interactions, she captures what we value here at the Central Point Chamber and that is an incredible accomplishment. 

~ Taneea Browning (awards speech for Frizz Studio)

I feel super blessed and proud to be a small part of this team of awesomeness and look forward to the years ahead working with Steph and some new board members. I will continue to work seamlessly with Taneea through her new outlets as well.

Bringing Community to a Small Town in Oregon

In the past four years my business has grown from only doing Newborn and Family Photography to now taking on consistent jobs throughout the year in Commercial Headshots, Branding and Product Photography. Jumping in to essentially become THE Chamber Photographer, has grown my service field of interest immensely. I have really found what I love to do.

The Chamber has allowed me a pathway to many awesome networking opportunities. And while, yes, I have “sacrificed” much time and crunched my calendar to make it work, it has and continues to pay off professionally (and personally.

I grew up in this valley and this little town of Central Point was never anything but a crusty side-addition to Medford. Then the Twin Creeks development began, and then the economy crashed, things got stale in 2008, then Taneea Browning appeared.

Taneea Browning

When Taneea began as Director for the Central Point Chamber, she nabbed many of us, kicking and screaming (okay maybe not that bad!) in to her fold, to create her vision (referencing my quote at the top of the post). She powered through all the hurdles and walls and got this city where it was meant to be. We now have a beautiful new, community driven downtown, a happy Visitor’s Center and community resources like Crater Works, a local Maker’s Space and D.I.R.T. Park Learning Center. She’s gotten businesses to decorate downtown during the holidays and works very hard to personally weld that relationship between these local small businesses and the people in our Central Point community.

I wish her the best, as a friend and collaborator, in her new beginnings and I look forward to continuing work with her on those projects as well as continuing photography with the Central Point Chamber (with Steph!).

Love you my friend!