Weekends should be light-hearted, fun, and a way to decompress. Everyone needs a break from selling and being sold to. In small-communities people rely on personal experiences and local connections. A great way to accomplish self-promotion over a weekend is to create a more personal vibe in your posts. ⁠This shows that you’re not always hustling to make a dollar from your audience and connects you together with possible similar interests which in turn builds exceptional rapport.⁠

5 Uncomplicated Ideas for Stress-Free, Self-Promotion on Social Media this Weekend

Connecting with people on a personal level plays a major role in social media in general but more heavily in small-town small business rapport. People want to see that you’re human and that they might share similar interests. ⁠

📝 5 Uncomplicated Ideas for Stress-Free, Self-Promotion on Social Media this Weekend:⁠

Connect with your audience by posting things people like to see in real life. Remember, you don’t always have to post your face, but it doesn’t hurt either. ⁠Posting your face will garner you a higher percentage of engagement.⁠ Using different angles and concepts can up your game and grab interest. At first, it might hurt your brain but the more you put some practice into it, the more you will find ways to take photos of the same old thing with a new eye. ALL of these ideas are Evergreen Content types which means they are all reusable. Just learn to alter the content or message slightly and you have multiple planned post types to use again and again.

☕️ 01. Enjoying a cup of coffee or tea.⁠

woman smiling drinking coffee
Photo Client: Jen Gerrard, The Alba Group, Realtor

People see having a cup of tea or coffee as a friendly, social activity. Showing off your “mug-shot” 🤣 holds weight psychologically with body language that says, “let’s connect and chat.” You don’t need a professional photo in order to do so, but it doesn’t hurt to bring a mug as a prop to a headshot or photo branding session either. If you’re not feeling too confident in showing off your face, a fun mug with a trendy saying can also spark conversation and connection. Remember to tag and brag on a local small business if you’re drinking-out or include a specific coffee or tea brand, details spark conversation!

I find this kind of fun to get mugs that fit my business model or personality level. Mugs are so trendy. You can get your own mugs made through Zazzle or VistaPrint (neither of these is affiliate links, just companies I like for marketing materials) — so think about that for a little extra marketing help. Doing a mug-shot with a fun slogan and your logo can be one subtle step forward in brand image.

📸 PHOTO TIP: Use your phone on portrait mode to capture the front or from the top.

📖 02. Reading a book or writing in your journal.

woman reading a book on her bed with a cat
Photo Client: Brooke DeBoer, Life Coach / Development Director @RedemptionRidge

With the new year still a little fresh, people are making goals to accomplish reading lists whether it is a “number of books” goal or a list of “specific books” to read. Books are such a great way to connect interests. Alternatively, writing in a journal or a goals planner is also a way to connect (if you’re not finding time to read). Sharing some New Years’ Goals and a shot of your hands writing on an out-of-focus planner page is a great way to create conversation. Alternatively sharing a current Audiobook, news article, or favorite news platform can be great — just be careful of controversy. Stay ON BRAND. This is one area you could offend your audience if you’re going on a deep-dive.

This goes with religion or faith-based sharing. If your audience and the format you brand yourself with is on point with sharing bible verses or faith-based messages, go for it, however, if you are not sure — I would steer clear unless you know for sure this won’t be a turn-off.

Don’t forget to give the author props. It’s hard work writing a good book, be sure to use hashtags, links and/or mentions where appropriate.

📸 PHOTO TIP: Above shots are great for showing a book, journal, or planner. You can creatively cover your actual written content with bookmarks or papers or do the shot before you write if you do not want that stuff visible. As usual, showing your face is optimal for engagement but not always necessary.

🧘🏻‍♀️ 03. A Wellness Activity: Doing Yoga, a workout, out for a walk, or hiking.⁠

woman doing yoga outdoors, meditation
Photo Client: Brooke DeBoer, Life Coach

Share an activity you’re doing this weekend. A hike, a simple walk, a workout, meditation, or yoga are all great things to post with a positive vibe attached. Going to a spa? Taking a nap? You can take so many creative photos that don’t have to be a direct selfie. There is SO MUCH you can do with this topic in a variety of subjects. Include a positive, inspiring quote or talk about something you’re grateful for. Keep things organic and grounded and ask what your audience is up to this weekend. If you plan to include a focus on something you’re wearing that you love and bought locally, be sure to take that opportunity to mention and link out to that small business.

📸 PHOTO TIP: Creative angles can be shots of your feet from above (shoes, sock, or barefoot), silhouettes can make any image fun, meditation-hands (bonus: with a great manicure), or even just a shot focused more on your favorite yoga pants or a beanie from the side or back. Think, close-ups with a partial idea of the item you’re talking about for this one or pulled waaaaaaay far back (scenery).

🍹 04. A Favorite Cocktail! (don’t forget the recipe).

beer and wine at an event

Another drink oriented post-type that builds a connection in taste and socializing. Share a favorite cocktail or a brand of beer or wine. This is also a great opportunity to give a shoutout (tag, mention, and link) to a favorite brand, local brewery, or winery. Focus on the drinks or the social experience. Enjoyable beverages create social experiences all around the world, these days, socialization has been critically affected by the COVID Pandemic, so now more than ever, using the virtual beverage shot as a way to connect is a strong winner.

📸 PHOTO TIP: Use Portrait Mode and get a straight-on shot, above shot or grab a fun “Cheers Shot” — this can be of just you saying cheers to the camera or cheering with someone else. Hands or full shot work for this one. If you’re just sharing a cocktail from home, lay the ingredients out behind or lay them down. Do an above or front shot of the finished cocktail with ingredients.

🪴 05. Something with Loved Ones: Family Fun, time with a pet or showing off your house plants.⁠

woman hugging her dog, old dirt road
Photo Client: Zana & Scout with Lily Jo’s Revolution (band)

Hanging with your partner, kids or fur-babies are all awesome, positive things to post about. Don’t have any of those things right now? Post about a favorite houseplant! If this category is a strain for you, skip it. There are only two days in a weekend, focus on your strong points.

📸 PHOTO TIP: Using a tripod or prop your phone to get a shot of you and your pet or plant or family. You can easily take a video, do an activity then pull a still image from the video by doing a screenshot or “saving a frame” (some smartphone cameras have that option). Do a funny slow-motion video: jumping on the trampoline or running at the camera and jumping over it are a couple of fun activities.

My last advice would be to take these shots anytime you see the opportunity, file them into labeled folders and use them over a month or more (as needed). You don’t need to wait for the actual weekend and post in the moment. Schedule your content if possible so that you are actually enjoying your weekend. Mug-shots, drink shots, book/journal, yoga and workout shots can all be done in advance. A family activity might be more personable to do the day of — but don’t be on your phone the entire family activity or that would be beside the point! Don’t pretend you are present and then not be present because you are trying to post this list for the weekend. ⁠
