Phoenix High School Pirates, Class of 2021 is officially graduated! What a crazy school year between this year and last. This was such a fun, emotional event to attend and photograph. Beyond the Pandemic, Phoenix High Students experienced extra trauma with the devastation of the Alameda Fire only one week into the school year of 2020. But like the legendary Phoenix, they rose from the ashes and thrived amidst the heartbreak and struggle.

“Flipping out!” — If you know this guy, let him know I snuck this shot, he had no idea. haha!

Each student chose a mentor or someone they looked up to, to announce them. This made the process so personal for each student (and mentor). I felt like each and every student received this little moment of personal attention for their achievement as they walked across the stage with pride in the mentor’s voice and smile. Amidst hugs, fist bumps, “secret handshakes” these kids I’m sure left an impression on this school for life.

(Click on any image to view images larger as an in-post gallery)

Another key fact to mention is that this is the first senior class to graduate in the newly constructed, Jack Woodward Stadium on-premise at Phoenix High School in over 20-years. Their school is getting a lovely facelift and the new field and stadium were completed in time for the class of 2021 to utilize it. This made it an extra special day! They normally hold the ceremony in Ashland at Lithia Park.

Congratulations Phoenix High School class of 2021!!